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What is a Design Sprint?
At Neuromagic, Design Sprints are a problem solving method fueled by Design Thinking’s open mindset, Service Design’s focus on improved experiences, and the Lean Startup ideology of promoting entrepreneurship and business while keeping waste and risk at a minimum.

Identifying issues, understanding users, creating solutions and prototypes, and rapidly testing them are the core steps in the Sprint process. Design Sprints were initially used to realize speedy market adaptation to prevent venture companies from depleting their resources to bankruptcy. Since then, their effects have been widely recognized and spread across varying fields.
Why are Design Sprints
becoming so popular?
We are currently in the age of VUCA— Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity. It is difficult for society to predict the future.

In order to adapt to such an era while promoting business, it is necessary to quickly find out where returns truly come from, and be careful about investments of time, money, and labor. Design Sprints are a technique that can help achieve fast results while hedging risks, ensuring the best value for time spent.

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*Currently Japanese only